About Us
NamesGem.com is offering a marketplace for buying and selling domain names and websites.
Domain owners can list here the details about their web property for sale.
We don't conduct Auctions!
Their listing can act as a presentation webpage listing the domain features, asking price and applicable niches for the domain. This will help buyers understand the possibilities of the domain name or website for sale and help with the sale.
The listings are also including a picture and owner's direct contact information. Listings are entirely public and can be seen by all visitors, but in order for someone to make an offer, they need to register for a free account.
We don't ask for any fees or percentages from the sale of your domain or website. The transfer is done directly between the seller and the buyer we don't get involved in the sale part.
We also don't ask for you to park your domain with us or ask for exclusivity like other places.
You are free to use any other services or platforms available, listing with us is just another way to promote your domain for sale without spending a lot of money.
Our subscription packages. Make your choice today and enjoy.